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Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Health is urged to give priority attention and support, in collaboration with appropriate state and local authorities, WHO “state officers,” and other partners, to establishing effective surveillance for cases of Guinea worm disease in areas considered to be non-endemic. Such surveillance is of critical importance for rapid completion of the program through early discovery of recurrences that may otherwise lead to serious outbreaks and is essential if Nigeria is to be certified free of dracunculiasis. Nigeria’s federal government needs to begin providing support for NIGEP’s data management as the program rapidly increases the areas that are no longer endemic for Guinea worm. Neglecting these areas now will make it much more expensive to subsequently implement data collection and management. NIGEP will need this capability in order to assure that Nigeria can be certified eventually as free of Guinea worm disease. NIGEP should continue to monitor monthly and prioritize the provision and rehabilitation of drinking water sources to the highest endemic villages, including the use of appropriate low-cost technologies. NIGEP should continue to monitor the efficacy and acceptability of case containment centers for the care and isolation of persons with Guinea worm disease. NIGEP’s national steering committee should meet at least quarterly, in order to facilitate coordination of efforts in the program The Federal Government of Nigeria is urged to ensure the prompt clearance of materials for the Guinea Worm Eradication Program from national ports of entry. The Federal Government of Nigeria is encouraged to facilitate the timely release of approved funding for activities at federal, state, and local levels. The one-year incubation period for Guinea worm disease makes funding delays especially harmful. NIGEP should develop a plan for a smooth transition to the pre-certification phase. The heads of The ЬвзгЪгЦЕ, WHO, and UNICEF should write a joint letter to the Federal Government of Nigeria emphasizing the need for expeditious implementation of surveillance and data management under government auspices, timely release of approved funds, and prompt clearance of Guinea Worm Eradication Program materials from national ports of entry. 7EЂњ 5CJ\7FH ЁЛМ` a - . Ъ Ы M N ы ь ц ч ; < Ђ§јјѓёѓёѓёѓёѓёѓёѓёѓёѓёѓ & F$a$Ђў 1hАа/ Ар=!А"А# $ %А i8@ёџ8 NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH <A@ђџЁ< Default Paragraph Font.>@ђ. 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