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"Value of Access to Information Fundamental human right, and critical to the exercise of other rights Tool in the fight against corruption Increases accountability Promotes citizen participation Fosters more efficient public administration Improves use of scarce resources Encourages foreign investment Enhances confidence of citizen s in their governments Social Inclusion " G& ."7G &   . "  6          Bullet Bullet vm 4 4/What are other International Bodies Doing? United Nations Convention Against Corruption includes call for access to information for all signatory states UN Resolutions since 1997 UNDP supports adoption of ATI in member states Special Rapporteur Internal UN information policies European Union Mention of ATI included in Treaty on Europea Union and Fundamental Rights Research on ATI legislation in member countries European Transparency Initiative OECD Internal Disclosure Policy Supporting member states through Department of Government-Citizen Relations,g,  g, W 4  TCouncil of Europe Recommendation Rec (2002)2  Access to Official Documents Ad hoc advisory group,  Group of Specialists on Access to Official Documents Working on Convention for Access to Information (legally binding for member states) Internal rules on access to documents African Union Included in Charter on Human and People s Rights Part of African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption Part of African Youth Charter Development Banks Internal policies Encourage states that receive funding Provide funding specifically for ATI ]]! 4IWhat can the Inter-American Juridical Committee do? Create ad hoc group of experts Establish standards document (Recommendations) Precursor to a Convention Further studies on specific topics related to drafting ATI legislation, ex. scope, exceptions,enforcement etc. Support implementation of the Chile v. Claude ruling Monitoring mechanism, similar to MESICIC Promote ATI as part of Social Charter Study of domestic legislation that is contrary to the right to information and other necessary laws for effectiveness Establish internal transparency policy for the OAS4 0*'w44  0 q 5 * & w 4 4#   /&'()*+,  0` 33` Sf3f` 33g` f` www3PP` ZXdbmo` \ғ3y`Ӣ` 3f3ff` 3f3FKf` hk]wwwfܹ` ff>>\`Y{ff` R>&- {p_/̴>?" dd@|?" dd@  " @ ` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>>  K(    C LA4CC-Access-Train-PPT-Eng-1"  0܌ "-2r   X$Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet % %   0"W)C l<Training Slide Headline Goes Here and Second Line Goes Here ==   0`"F` . SAccess to Information: Bolivia  H  0޽h ? 3380___PPT10.K>T Default Design 0 zrP (    0 W%   P*    0Ѕ  %  R*  d  c $ ?0K    0h  >)  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     S  6  W   P*    6L    R*  H  0i ? 3380___PPT10.ZW^ 0 um0(  r S  @  r  S P@   n  C FA.Access-English-Title-1@  0P*  hAccess to Information Inter-American Juridical Committee March 2, 2007 Laura Neuman The Ƶ Fi($# i 4  <6 _ 0  @ ~  0Wf >    0Pp{ 3 (2  pA.޽h ?Access-English-Title-1"@` 33___PPT10i.KET+D=' = @B +  0 ( (    0  `}   r  S -2r   n  C FA.Access-English-Title-1  <8Gv. B 4  <d9P M (   00Lp -/Presentation Outline Value of access to information (ATI) ATI vs. Habeas Data and Data Protection International and OAS framework Status of ATI in the OAS What is new in the Americas? What are other international bodies doing? What role could the Inter-American Juridical Committee play? &)",>  %(",>H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.P,+D=' L= @B +  0  h(  r  S <0L-2r  L n  C FA.Access-English-Title-1  <LGv. B 4  6 L p  L H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.~0+D=' L= @B +_   0 vn(    0v  `}   r  S p-2r   n  C FA.Access-English-Title-1  <LGv. B 4  <Lz @   0pL\TL___PPT9.& $ATI vs. Habeas Data and Data Protection Laws Different rights, with different objectives and processes that must be considered separately Access to Public Information Allows any person to request public documents Not based on any personal interest Purpose is to increase openness Habeas Data Allows a specific individual to access their own records or documents related to them Allows persons to request changes to personal documents Purpose is to ensure accuracy in public records with relation to specified individuals Data Protection Laws Allows individuals to ensure that their information remains private Limits the collection of personal data and limits its use Purpose is to protect private data of third parties, with disclosure based on consent -|q ,]r 8XH  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.pq+D=' L= @B +   0 ^(    0T\L  `}  L r  S \L-2r  L n  C FA.Access-English-Title-1  <LGv. B 4  0Lp International and OAS Framework for the Right to Information Article 19, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Article 13, Inter-American Human Rights Convention Articles 4 and 6, Inter-American Democratic Charter Declaration at the Special Summit of the Americas, Nuevo Leon (2004) General Assembly Res 2252  Access to Public Information: Strengthening Democracy , Santo Domingo (2006) General Assembly Res 2121  Access to Public Information: Strengthening Democracy , Ft. Lauderdale (2005) Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of ExpressionR=3< 3>tfl H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.`dY*+D=' L= @B +(;  0 ?:7:U9(    0`L  `}  L n  C FA.Access-English-Title-1  <LGv. B 4  0L@K Status of ATI in the Americas V(2 2(2 6  ^   #"B6 P ^  L x <\L? B ^  Fno(("  w <L?pB  Fno(("  v <|L?B p  Fno(("  u <LL?`B   Fno(("  t <L3f? B `  HCuba(("  s <L? ^B  p,Civil society promoting, law project drafted(-(,"  r <`yL?p B  Fno(("  q <\L? pB  Fno(("  p <#L?` B  Gyes(("  o < (L?  `B  N Costa Rica( ( "  n <0L3f? ^  F"(("  m <(L?p  F"(("  l <@fL? p  Kpartial(("  k <9L?`   Gyes(("  j <h ?  `  LColombia( ("  i < ? ^  u1Civil society promoting, legislation drafting law(2(1"  h <p ?p  Fno(("  g <Т ? p  Fno(("  f < ?`   Gyes(("  e <@ ?  `  IChile(("  d < 3f? I ^  bCivil society groups promoting(("  c <L 3f?pI  Fno(("  b < ?I p  Fno(("  a <o ?`I   Gyes(("  ` <w ? I `  JBrazil(("  _ < ? P ^I  s/Draft law with cabinet Voluntary Strategy pilot(0(/"  ^ < ?pP I  Gyes(("  ] <8 ?P pI  Fno(("  \ <p` ?`P I  Fno(("  [ <ȩ ? P `I  KBolivia(("  Z <D ? ^P  F"(("  Y <$l ?p P  F"(("  X <X[ ?pP  Gyes(("  W <( ?`P  Hno*(#  V <p4 ? `P  JBelize(("  U <` ? ^ GYes(("  T < ?p  Fno(("  S < ?p Fno(("  R <\c ?` Fno(("  Q < ? ` LBarbados( ("  P <̽ ? P^ ZYes -- media promoting(("  O <= ?pP  Fno(("  N <Q ?Pp Fno(("  M <y ?`P Fno(("  L <<~ ? P` KBahamas(("  K <L ? ^P F"(("  J <ȁ ?p P F"(("  I <D ?pP Hyes (("  H <| ?`P Fno(("  G <8 ? `P SAntigua & Barbuda& "  F <\ ? ^ j&Did not pass both chambers of Congress('(&"  E < ?p  Gyes(("  D < ?p Fno(("  C < ?` Gyes(("  B < ? ` M Argentina( ( "  A <h ? ^ aConsidering ATI legislation*("  @ < ?p  P ATI Decree* ( "  ? <( ?p MATI Law*("  > < ?` `ATI Constitutional provision( "  = < ? ` MCOUNTRY*(" ZB y s *1 ? ^ZB z s *1 ?  ^ ZB { s *1 ?   ZB | s *1 ?^^ ZB  s *1 ? ^ZB  s *1 ?`` ZB  s *1 ? ZB  s *1 ?pp ZB  s *1 ?  ZB  s *1 ? ^ZB  s *1 ? P^PZB  s *1 ? ^ZB  s *1 ? ^ZB  s *1 ? P ^P ZB  s *1 ? I ^I ZB  s *1 ?  ^ ZB / s *1 ?  ^ ZB F s *1 ?  ^ ZB ] s *1 ? B ^B H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.`.+D='  = @B +@D  0 WCOCaB(  $  ' 0 :L  `}  L x $ c $7L-2"  L n $ C FA.Access-English-Title-1 $ <HcLGv. B 4w@ p   #"J>||||||}||||p  L ' BL?0 p  u1Legislation in Congress Voluntary Strategy pilots(2(1"  ' B&L? 0  Fno(("  ' BL?@  Fno(("  ' B_L? @  Gyes(("  ' BP*L?   M Nicaragua( ( "  ' B}L?0 B p  F"(("  ' Bd ? 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KGrenada(("  ' B<?0 zp [Civil society promoting(("  ' Bhx? z0  Fno(("  ' B|?@z  Fno(("  ' B2?z@ Fno(("  ' B?z O El Salvador( ( "  ' B?0 pz F"(("  ' B4? 0 z F"(("  ' B?@ z Gyes(("  ' B?@z Gyes(("  ' B?z KEcuador(("  ' B?0 Hp F"(("  ' Bp? H0  F"(("  ' B|?@H  Gyes(("  ' B8?H@ Gyes(("  ' B<?H VDominican Republic(("  ' BH#?0 pH GN/A(("  ' BT'? 0 H ;N/A(  ' B*?@ H Fno(("  ' B|/?@H Fno(("  ' BS3f?H LDominica( ("  ' <X?0 p aConsidering ATI legislation*("  ' <\? 0  P ATI Decree* ( "  ' <`?@  MATI law*("  ' <$e?@ a ATI Constitutional Provision( "  ' <i? MCOUNTRY*(" ZB ' s *1 ?pZB ' s *1 ? p ZB ' s *1 ? ZB ' s *1 ?pp ZB ' s *1 ?pZB ' s *1 ? ZB ' s *1 ?@@ ZB ' s *1 ?  ZB ' s *1 ?0 0 ZB ' s *1 ?HpHZB ' s *1 ?pZB   s *1 ?zpzZB # s *1 ?pZB : s *1 ?pZB Q s *1 ?EpEZB h s *1 ?pZB  s *1 ?w pw ZB  s *1 ? p ZB  s *1 ? p ZB  s *1 ?B pB ZB  s *1 ? p H $ 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.Q^+D=' = @B +6  0 65N-5(  , r- 0l  `}   n , C FA.Access-English-Title-1 , <@"Gv. B 43   - #">2 G   x, B?p y   E(("  w, B,?y p  Kpartial((" v, B`?y   Fno(("  u, Bt?y   Fno(("  t, BPu?y   KUruguay(("  s, B\y?p y  [Civil society promoting(("  r, B,~? p y  :no(  q, BЁ? y  Fno(("  p, Bd? y  Hyes*(("  o, B? y  M Venezuela( ( "  n, Bd?p   F"(("  m, B? p  F"(("  l, B?   Hyes (("  k, B?   Fno(("  j, B?   WTrinidad and Tobago(("  i, B?p    GN/A(("  h, B$? p  GN/A(("  g, B\?   Fno(("  f, B?   Fno(("  e, B@?   LSuriname( ("  d, Bxđ?p    F"(("  c, Bȑ? p   F"(("  b, B\͑?   Gyes(("  a, Bё?   Fno(("  `, BՑ?   `Saint Vincent and Grenadines(("  _, Bڑ?p g  GN/A(("  ^, Bݑ?gp   Fno(("  ], B?g  Fno(("  \, B?g  Fno(("  [, BT3f?g  O Saint Lucia( ( "  Z, B?p Yg ]Legislation in Parliament(("  Y, B?Yp g Fno(("  X, B?Yg Fno(("  W, B?Yg Fno(("  V, B3f?Yg YSaint Kitts and Nevis(("  U, B?p Y F"(("  T, B?p Y F"(("  S, B?Y Gyes(("  R, Bd?Y Gyes(("  Q, B ?Y HPeru(("  P, B ?p  <Have been working on legislation since repealing law in 2001(=(<"  O, B ?p  Fno(("  N, B ? Fno(("  M, B? Gyes(("  L, B? LParaguay( ("  K, B?p  F"(("  J, B?p  F"(("  I, B? Gyes(("  H, B ? Fno(("  G, B? JPanama(("  F, B?p  aConsidering ATI legislation*("  E, Bl?p  P ATI Decree* ( "  D, Bl? MATI Law*("  C, B ? `ATI Constitutional Provision( "  B, B ? MCOUNTRY*(" ZB y, s *1 ?ZB z, s *1 ?  ZB {, s *1 ? ZB |, s *1 ? ZB , s *1 ?ZB , s *1 ? ZB , s *1 ? ZB , s *1 ? ZB , s *1 ?p p ZB , s *1 ?ZB , s *1 ?ZB , s *1 ?YYZB , s *1 ?ggZB , s *1 ?  ZB - s *1 ?  ZB - s *1 ?  ZB /- s *1 ?  ZB F- s *1 ?y y H , 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.y0yxC+D=' = @B +  0  0P(  0 0 0x  `}   r 0 S -2r   n 0 C FA.Access-English-Title-1 0 <Gv. B 4  0 0|0p >What is new in the Americas? Work of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs Work of the Inter-American Juridical Committee Work of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression Claude vs. Chile New legislation ex. Honduras Guatemala Declaration of Central American Presidents Social Charter :k6  H 0 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.y HJD+D=' = @B +  0  ~(  r  S E-2r   n  C FA.Access-English-Title-1  <XGGv. B 4  6lP p   "8XH  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.y<+D=' = @B +  0  @5(  @r @ S  -2r   n @ C FA.Access-English-Title-1 @ < eGv. B 4  @ <f C &  @ 6s     "8XH @ 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.y9G+D=' = @B +u  0 `(  `r ` S t-2r   n ` C FA.Access-English-Title-1  ` < 0 d (   ` <v   ` 6    H ` 0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.y^ +D=' = @B +  0 %p(    0`  `}   r  S -2r   n  C FA.Access-English-Title-1  <XGv. B 4K  0h'v;  KThank You Laura Neuman The Ƶ Lneuman@emory.edu (404) 420-5146"L A*X 0+<H  0޽h ? 33___PPT10i.o+D=' = @B +  0 @(  X  C 0K     S 0 >)    H  0i ? 3380___PPT10.ZW 0 x@(  X  C 0K   x  S  >)T  <4___PPT9 What is the Ƶ What is the ATI project? And what have I done I will bring those experiences to bear in this presentation" H  0i ? 33% 0 0u(  X  C 0K     S  >)   wc1. Although they already know this, good reminder why access to information has become such a trendH  0i ? 33W 0  (  X  C 0K     S  >)   yThese are only a few of the instruments, particularly on the international level there are more,such as AARHUS ConventionzzH  0i ? 33  0 P H P (  X  C 0K   H   S  >)   At present there are approximately 70 countries with recognized access to information laws To be considered an ATI law, must be comprehensive and include the right to request information rather than just receive through automatic publication or the right to petition In the Americas, in addition to the United States and Canada, there are now 10 countries with access to information laws There are even more with a constitutional right to information, a presidential decree or are in the process of considering a law I d like to take a moment to comment on the necessity of a law rather than just the constitutional right or a decree- and the problems with decrees . . . As more laws in our region are being passed, the lack of uniformity is increasingly becoming clear as are the enormous efforts to promote and draft laws  some standards and more sharing of lessons learned can reduce these problems  especially for laws that do not rise to emerging international norms examples of differences in laws  Dominican Republic calls for listing reason for request, Honduran law limited in scope of coverage UH  0i ? 33 0 nf`(  X  C 0K   f  S  >)   UN Resolutions since 1997 have called on member states to reaffirm  their commitment to the priniciples of the Charter of the United Nations and to the principles of freedom of the press and freedom of information. \ pH  0i ? 33 0 pB(  X  C 0K     S h >)   D0There MUST be coordination with other OAS bodiesH  0i ? 33rx0N-  Lpm)@IOSG4`<_%'u"$Q'~)+u6+:%<,1Oh+'0T `h   Access to Information: Bolivia Gurdon CountsUsers64Microsoft PowerPoint@`t@7 M@R4%swGSg  )'    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|      On-screen ShowCWGd  ArialTimes New Roman WingdingsVerdanaDefault Design Access to Information: Bolivia Slide 2Value of Access to Information Fundamental human right, and critical to the exercise of other rights Tool in the fight against corruption Increases accountability Promotes citizen participation Fosters more efficient public administration Improves use of scarce resources Encourages foreign investment Enhances confidence of citizens in their governments Social Inclusion Slide 4Slide 5Slide 6Slide 7Slide 8vm0What are other International Bodies Doing? United Nations Convention Against Corruption includes call for access to information for all signatory states UN Resolutions since 1997 UNDP supports adoption of ATI in member states Special Rapporteur Internal UN information policies European Union Mention of ATI included in Treaty on Europea Union and Fundamental Rights Research on ATI legislation in member countries European Transparency Initiative OECD Internal Disclosure Policy Supporting member states through Department of Government-Citizen Relations+Council of Europe Recommendation Rec (2002)2 Access to Official Documents Ad hoc advisory group, Group of Specialists on Access to Official Documents Working on Convention for Access to Information (legally binding for member states) Internal rules on access to documents African Union Included in Charter on Human and Peoples Rights Part of African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption Part of African Youth Charter Development Banks Internal policies Encourage states that receive funding Provide funding specifically for ATI JWhat can the Inter-American Juridical Committee do? Create ad hoc group of experts Establish standards document (Recommendations) Precursor to a Convention Further studies on specific topics related to drafting ATI legislation, ex. scope, exceptions,enforcement etc. Support implementation of the Chile v. Claude ruling Monitoring mechanism, similar to MESICIC Promote ATI as part of Social Charter Study of domestic legislation that is contrary to the right to information and other necessary laws for effectiveness Establish internal transparency policy for the OAS Slide 13  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles  8@ _PID_HLINKSAlmailto:Lneuman@emory.edu_<UsersUsers  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&()*+,-.0123456;Root EntrydO)PicturesQCurrent User/SummaryInformation(TPowerPoint Document(]<DocumentSummaryInformation8'