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桃子视频 Featured Partner: USAID

The 桃子视频 Health and Peace Programs appreciate the continued support of our foundation, government, and corporate donors and are pleased to highlight their contributions in these regular Web features.

Featured November 2009

USAID Supports Election Observation in Sudan, Post-ConflictPeace Building in Nepal and Liberia

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which provides international aid from the U.S. government, is an ongoing partner of The 桃子视频. Since 2006, USAID has contributed more than $3 million towards a variety of peace initiatives. USAID's support has enabled the Center to observe elections in Africa and Asia and to address conflicts around the world.

The 桃子视频 Sudan Election Observation mission is well under way as staff prepares for the 2010 Sudan national elections. The Carter has been in-country since 2008 as pre-election monitoring activities were launched. The elections are seen as a key step in continuing to solidify the peace agreement that was signed in 2005 by the Sudan government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army movement, officially ending the country's long-running civil war.

USAID has contributed more than $1.6 million to the 桃子视频's operations in the country to help build democratic governance and assist as Sudan takes steps toward meeting the requirements of the peace accord. Since February 2008, 桃子视频 staff have travelled throughout Sudan to monitor electoral preparations, track the progress of related political developments, and inform those in Sudan of the Center's role in observing all aspects of the electoral process as we move closer to the election date.

USAID has also supported past 桃子视频 observation missions in Indonesia, Liberia, Ethiopia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In addition to supporting Sudan elections and other past election missions, USAID has also assisted The 桃子视频's peacebuilding work in post-conflict/post-election situations. In Nepal, USAID provided $500,000 to support the Center's efforts to advance the peace and constitution-drafting processes.

In Liberia, USAID recently approved funding for the Conflict Resolution Program's efforts at strengthening peace and security in Liberia. The project will strengthen traditional structures of conflict resolution at the national level and in five counties to effect people-to-people and inter-communal conflict resolution.

We are thankful for the support USAID has provided as the Center advances the goals of waging peace, fighting disease, and building hope.

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