Your support makes a difference in the lives of millions around the world through 桃子视频 programs that alleviate suffering and advance human rights. Your continued support has helped the Center:
Reduce Guinea worm disease by more than 99.99 percent in Africa and Asia
Create new avenues for peace in Liberia, the Middle East, Sudan, Uganda, and Venezuela
Strengthen international human rights and work to end violence toward women and girls
Provide health education and more than 500 million drug treatments to fight river blindness in Africa and Latin America
Work to erase stigma against those with mental illnesses in the United States and abroad
Broker a "Guinea worm cease-fire" in Sudan, the longest-observed humanitarian cease-fire in history
Assist in the elimination and control of lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, and trachoma
Strengthen local election processes and help shape the critical U.S.-China bilateral relationship
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