Caroline Clauss-Ehlers
Freelance Writer
New York, N.Y., USA
TOPIC: Explore the impact stigma has on access to mental health treatment, utilization of mental health services, and coping for Latino families
Family Care and the Latina Woman
It was interesting to recognize that what professionals in the United States call "caregiving" isn't an actual word in Spanish. Some research tells us that caregivers, or those who care for an ill family member, are usually women who struggle with finding equilibrium between their work and the care of their family.
El Cuidado Familiar y la Mujer Hispana
Es interesante reconocer que para denominar lo que los profesionales en EEUU llaman 'caregiving', no se recurre a una palabra proveniente del español. Algunas investigaciones señalan que los 'caregivers', es decir aquellas personas que brindan cuidados a sus familiares enfermos, son generalmente mujeres quienes luchan por encontrar el equilibrio entre su trabajo y el cuidado de su familia.
Depression During Third Age
Research indicates that Latino elderly experience major medical problems and one of them is depression. Depression refers to feelings of sadness so severe that the individual experiences a lack of interest in things that were once enjoyable, feels worthless, and may not be able to function at home, school, or in the workplace.
Depresión en la Tercera Edad
Algunas investigaciones indican que las personas latinas mayores de edad experimentan problemas médicos mayores, uno de ellos es la depresión. La depresión se refiere a sentimientos de tristeza, tan severos que el individuo experimenta una falta de interés en cosas que alguna vez disfrutaba, se presentan sentimientos de inutilidad y puede ser que no funcionen en la casa, en la escuela y en el lugar de trabajo.
Academic Excellence for Our Children
After coming to the United States from another country, how do you know when your children should start school and where they should enroll?
Good Nutrition and Obesity Among Latino Youth
Obesity refers to the excessive accumulation of fat in the body. It is a national problem in the United States in general, and among Latino youth in particular.
La Buena Nutrición y la Obesidad Entre Jóvenes Latinos
El término obesidad se define como la acumulación excesiva de grasa corporal. La obesidad es un problema nacional en los Estados Unidos en general y, en particular, entre los jóvenes latinos.
Better Health, Fewer Disparities
A study found that 10% of the 41 million Latinos living in the United States suffer from diabetes. In addition, obesity is twice as likely to occur among Latino youth between 16 and 19 years of age in comparison to the youth of the same age from other ethnic groups. Moreover, a serious dental problem exists in our community that results from a lack of medical insurance.
Mejor Salud, Menos Disparidades
Un estudio revela que el 10 por ciento de los 41 millones de latinos en los Estados Unidos sufren de diabetes. Además, la obesidad es dos veces más frecuente entre los latinos de 16 a 19 años de edad que entre jóvenes de otros grupos étnicos de la misma edad.
Hurricane Katrina and Post-Traumatic Stress
Without a doubt, Hurricane Katrina is the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. We have read about how resources such as shelter and food have been allocated to help those affected by the disaster. It is expected that in the months to come we are also going to learn more about the emotional needs of those who survived the hurricane, lost family members, and continue to look for their children and loved ones.
Huracán Katrina y Estrés Postraumático
Sin duda alguna, Katrina es el peor desastre natural en la historia de los Estados Unidos. Hemos leído sobre los esfuerzos de mitigación, que han incluido el establecimiento de albergues y comida para los afectados del desastre. Poco a poco también vamos a ver más relacionado con las necesidades emocionales de los que han sobrevivido al huracán, los que han perdido familiares y de los que siguen buscando a sus hijos y seres queridos.
Diversity Training for Classroom Teaching
An excerpt from the book "Diversity Training for Classroom Teaching."
With contributions from leading researchers, educators, and practitioners in school psychology, this one-of-a-kind encyclopedia provides a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide to cross-cultural school psychology. Some 400 entries explore the concepts, themes, and latest research findings that are critical to understanding the field. Moreover, the encyclopedia examines issues that arise from pre-K to 12th grade, offering support at all levels of primary and secondary education.
Children live in a world of ever-increasing stress factors, including global terrorism, pervasive exposure to violence, increasing substance use, and economic and social instability. To help them maneuver successfully through such a challenging world to adulthood, community-based resilience interventions are becoming more important than ever.
The mission of this forty-eight chapter Handbook is to provide a comprehensive reference source that integrates counseling theory, research, and practice into one volume. It is designed to meet the needs of entry-level practitioners from their initial placement in schools through their first three to five years of practice. It will also be of interest to experienced school counselors, counselor educators, school researchers, and counseling representatives within state and local governments.
Una gran diferencia al momento de ir a la cama entre niños y adultos es que los padres no ven la hora de descansar del...
Sea la niñera, un vecino o un familiar, la persona que te ayuda a cuidar y educar a tus hijos es parte de tu hogar y participa activamente de las dinámicas familiares del día a día, es fundamental que tanto tus hijos como tú se sientan a gusto con él o ella
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