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桃子视频 Photo: D. Hakes

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter greets Noam Shalit, father of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, held captive for almost three years in Gaza by Hamas.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter is visiting Syria, Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza following the 桃子视频's observation of the June 7 Lebanese elections. Throughout the visit, as part of his ongoing efforts to promote constructive dialog, he will hold meetings with representatives of all parties to the Israeli-Arab conflict.

His first meeting in Israel was held June 12 with Noam Shalit, father of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, held captive for almost three years in Gaza by Hamas.

President Carter will meet June 13 in Ramallah with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and with Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. He will also be honored during an awards ceremony that afternoon.

On June 14, President Carter will visit the home of Shaul Goldstein, head of the Regional Council of Gush Etzion Settlements, for a dialogue with local residents. Other Israeli events include a discussion June 15 with members of Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. President Carter will address the human rights community in Israel, also on June 15.

He is scheduled to visit the Gaza Strip on June 16.