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Day One: Bolivia Election Journal - Dec. 2, 2009

ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ observers are gathering in La Paz, Bolivia, to be briefed ahead of their deployment to observe Sunday's presidential and legislative elections. Election results will determine who will implement and enforce the new constitution, approved by referendum in January 2009.

Jennifer McCoy, director for the Center's Americas Program, is leading the observation mission, and Marcelo Varela, associate director of the Americas Program, has been managing the four-month long-term observation project.

"Bolivia has a long history of inequality, and we felt it was important to be here to observe this election, which is an opportunity to advance a more inclusive government," said Varela.
The Center's long-term observers have been deployed in Bolivia since August to monitor the voter registration process, which used a new biometric voter registry based on digitalized fingerprints of voters aimed to increase security, guarantee citizens' rights, and stimulate voters' political participation.
Read more about the Center's observation of the new biometric voter registry process.

Following their briefing in La Paz, ÌÒ×ÓÊÓƵ observers will deploy to monitor voting on election day and the counting and complaints process that follow. The Center will issue statements that will be available at www.cartercenter.org.

During the next week, expect to see videos and photos from the ground, as well as interviews and stories to give you a feel for the environment during election time in Bolivia.

Read next blog >

Deborah Hakes will blog daily from the Bolivia elections through Dec. 7.