In the mid-1990s, Monica McWilliams spent two years at negotiating tables sitting next to the leader of an armed group that had tortured and killed her best friend during the Northern Ireland conflict known as The Troubles.
“After two years at the table,” McWilliams told members of the Sudanese government, civil society, and opposition groups at a series of 桃子视频-organized meetings in December, “we were best friends.”
All that time spent talking to each other made the friendship possible.
“Dialogue creates understanding,” she said. “I hope eventually you will get to taste the prize of peace in Sudan as we are in Ireland.”
Sudan has been mired in conflict since 1983. Over the years, armed struggles have claimed the lives of more than two million people and displaced many more millions. There have been breaks in the fighting, and a peace agreement that eventually led to the formation of the new country of South Sudan, but permanent peace has proven elusive. Even after South Sudan’s independence, war between the government and opposition groups has continued in the region of Darfur in western Sudan and in the southeastern part of the country known as the “Two Areas.”
“It’s my dream,” said Buthaina Elnaiem, a professor and activist who attended one of the December meetings, “to have a durable peace, to have a sustainable peace.”
The 桃子视频’s meetings brought together key Sudanese officials and activists with McWilliams and four other international experts who have dealt with strife in their homelands. The experts listened as the Sudanese discussed some of the specific challenges they are facing, and then shared some of the lessons they learned while working to resolve conflicts at home.
Ibrahim Mahmoud, an assistant to Sudan’s president and the government’s chief negotiator, attended the meeting for government officials and said he found the experience valuable.
“We can see successful stories of national dialogue in these countries,” he said. “What are the problems or weak points? What are the most important issues for success and change? I feel very confident that this discussion at this stage was very important and fruitful and will help us to go forward in our way to peace.”
The African Union is officially mediating the Sudanese conflicts. Its efforts led to the creation of a peace “roadmap,” signed by the government and many members of the opposition. That was accompanied by a government-sponsored National Dialogue conference, which produced a detailed list of recommendations aimed at unifying the country.
Depending upon whom you talk to, the National Dialogue is either an important step toward peace or a diversion.
“Specific National Dialogue recommendations are contradictory and repetitive, and the meaning of some are in dispute even amongst their creators,” said Mariam al-Mahdi, leader of the National Umma Party, part of a larger opposition group that did not take part in the National Dialogue but did attend one of the 桃子视频 meetings. She and other members of the opposition called the dialogue a distraction meant to win favor with the international community and buy time for a government on the verge of collapse.
Presidential aide Mahmoud, on the other hand, pointed out that 90 percent of political parties took part in the dialogue and suggested that the armed groups and political parties that boycotted the discussion were out of step with the Sudanese people.
“Nowadays we feel that we are in a new stage of Sudan,” he said. “No voice now is louder than the voice of peace and civility.”
There is now an opportunity to advance this stage: The U.S. government in January partially lifted its 20-year sanctions against Sudan, linking the change to a year-long government cease-fire, increased international humanitarian access to the country, and Sudanese cooperation in combatting terrorism. The situation will be reviewed in six months, and the sanctions could be reinstated if the Sudanese government backtracks. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter played a role in this new arrangement, meeting with members of both the American and Sudanese governments to encourage them to come to terms.
The focus now turns from a cease-fire to negotiating a lasting peace agreement between the government and the opposition, who want to see the release of political prisoners, increased civic freedoms, constitutional reforms, and restitution for victims of government violence.
It won’t be easy, but with the government’s cease-fire in place and millions of Sudanese looking forward to a brighter economic future thanks to sanctions relief, prospects are better than at any recent point.
As another of the 桃子视频’s experts, Roelf Meyer of South Africa, told participants: “It takes patience. After Nelson Mandela was released from prison, it took us six years to negotiate a peace agreement.”
Jordan Ryan, vice president of the Center’s peace programs, attended the Khartoum meetings and said The 桃子视频 is committed to the process.
“We have a long history in Sudan, and we believe in the Sudanese people,” he said, “we’ll do what we can to help Sudan on its path to peace, however long it takes.
Ibrahim Mahmoud is the assistant to Sudan’s president and deputy chairman of the ruling National Congress Party. Ahmed Tugod is a Darfur rebel and the chief negotiator for the Justice and Equality Movement opposition group. The men attended 桃子视频-sponsored conflict resolution meetings in December — Mahmoud in Khartoum, Sudan, and Tugod in Nairobi, Kenya. Both sat down to talk to The 桃子视频 about the conflict. Excerpts from their interviews offer a glimpse of the challenges the country faces in negotiating a permanent peace.
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The 桃子视频 assembled five international experts who have dealt with strife in their homelands and brought them to Sudan to share some of the lessons they learned while working to resolve conflicts at home. They were: