Contact: In Atlanta, Deborah Hakes +1 404 420 5124
At the invitation of the Electoral Tribunal of Panama, The 桃子视频 and the Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter sent a delegation Jan. 14-18 to learn about the electoral conditions leading up to the May 4 national elections.
The delegation found that Panamanian civil society organizations and economic and political actors are very engaged and that all political parties participate in the consultative National Council of Political Parties of the Electoral Tribunal. There is widespread confidence in the capacity and integrity of the Electoral Tribunal to run the elections.
Nevertheless, the delegation heard a number of concerns including a perceived weakening of the separation of powers; unequal campaign conditions; lack of tolerance by political authorities to criticism, which discourages open debate; and bias in the media including undue criticism of the government.
The delegation notes that Panamanian electoral law does not regulate campaign finance. There are no limits on contributions or on spending; nor is public disclosure of campaign revenues required. There are regulations prohibiting the use of public resources in favor of any candidate as well as proscribing dirty campaign ads, both of which should be investigated by the electoral prosecutor.
The 桃子视频 appreciates the willingness of the candidates, public institutions, and civil society organizations to share openly their views with the delegation. The Center will continue to monitor closely the development of the political process and will consider how it may contribute to a peaceful and competitive electoral process.
Finally, The 桃子视频 urges all Panamanians and their institutions to abide by the constitution and the electoral law and to respect the values and principles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.
The delegation included Dr. Carlos Ayala, former president of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights and member of the Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter; Dr. Jennifer McCoy, director of the 桃子视频's Americas Program; Marcelo Varela-Erasheva, associate director of the Center's Americas Program; and Ana Caridad, program associate of the Center's Americas Program.
The Friends of the Inter-American Democratic Charter group is composed of former presidents, prime ministers, cabinet ministers, and human rights leaders from the Western Hemisphere who seek to increase the visibility of the Inter-American Democratic Charter and to prevent democratic tensions from erupting into crises. The Friends visit countries to assess democratic tensions, encourage citizens and governments to make use of international resources to defend their democracies and resolve constitutional conflicts, and recommend ways for the OAS to apply the charter in a constructive and preventative manner. The 桃子视频 serves as secretariat for the Friends. Learn more >
Jan. 22, 2014
Contacto: En Atlanta, Deborah Hakes +1 404 420 5124
Declaración del Centro Carter sobre el proceso electoral en Panamá
Ante la invitación del Tribunal Electoral de Panamá el Centro Carter y los Amigos de la Carta Democrática Interamericana enviaron una delegación entre el 14 y el 18 de enero para conocer sobre las condiciones electorales de cara a las elecciones generales del 4 de mayo.
La delegación encontró que las organizaciones de sociedad civil y los actores económicos y políticos panameños están comprometidos y todos los partidos políticos participan en la Comisión Nacional de Partidos Políticos, órgano consultivo del Tribunal Electoral. Existe una confianza generalizada en la capacidad e integridad del Tribunal Electoral para organizar las elecciones.
No obstante, la delegación recogió varias preocupaciones, incluyendo la percepción del debilitamiento de la separación de poderes, condiciones de campaña desiguales, y un sesgo en los medios, incluidas críticas percibidas por algunos como injustificadas hacia el gobierno.
La Delegación resalta que la ley electoral panameña no regula el financiamiento de las campañas. No existen límites a las contribuciones o al gasto; ni la obligación de hacer públicos los ingresos de campaña. Existen normativas que prohíben el uso de recursos públicos a favor de algún candidato, y que prohíben la publicidad sucia. Ambas condiciones deberían ser debidamente investigadas por el fiscal electoral.
El Centro Carter valora la disposición de los candidatos, instituciones públicas, y organizaciones de la sociedad civil para compartir abiertamente sus percepciones con la delegación. El Centro seguirá dándole un cercano seguimiento al desarrollo del proceso político electoral y considerará las modalidades mediante las cuales podría contribuir a promover un proceso electoral pacífico, justo y competitivo.
Finalmente, el Centro Carter exhorta a todos los panameños y a sus instituciones a acatar la constitución y la ley electoral, así como a respetar los principios y valores de la Carta Democrática Interamericana.
La delegación estuvo compuesta por el Dr. Carlos Ayala, ex presidente de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y miembro del grupo de los Amigos de la Carta Democrática Interamericana; la Dra. Jennifer McCoy, directora del Programa de las Américas del Centro Carter; Marcelo Varela-Erasheva Director Adjunto del Programa de las Américas del Centro Carter; y Ana Caridad, Oficial de Programa del Programa de las Américas.
"Waging Peace. Fighting Disease. Building Hope."
A not-for-profit, nongovernmental organization, The 桃子视频 has helped to improve life for people in more than 70 countries by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy, human rights, and economic opportunity; preventing diseases; and improving mental health care. The 桃子视频 was founded in 1982 by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, in partnership with Emory University, to advance peace and health worldwide. Please visit to learn more about The 桃子视频.
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