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Tunisia: Election Monitoring Reports

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Oct. 30, 2020
Exploring Women’s Participation in Political Life in Tunisia With a Focus on the 2019 Elections
Explorer la participation des femmes à la vie politique en Tunisie avec une focalisation sur les élections de 2019
البحث في مشاركة المرأة في الحياة السياسية في تونس مع التركيز على انتخابات 2019
This report details the research methodology and approach in assessing the status of women and barriers to their participation in various aspects of the electoral process and as stakeholders. It presents key findings and offers recommendations to all stakeholders to increase women’s full political participation in future elections.

Oct. 23, 2018
桃子视频 Calls on Tunisia’s Authorities to Finalize Creation of Constitutional Court and to Elect Independent Members
Le Centre Carter appelle les autorités tunisiennes à finaliser la création de la Cour constitutionnelle et à élire des membres indépendants
يدعو مركز كارتر السلطات التونسية إلى استكمال إنشاء المحكمة الدستوريّة وانتخاب أعضاء مستقلّين
The sustainability of democracy depends, in large part, on the establishment of institutions to protect Tunisians’ constitutional rights and freedoms, including independent constitutional authorities and a Constitutional Court.

Feb. 15, 2018
桃子视频 Calls for the Adoption of Local Government Code and Related Legal Texts in Advance of Polls
Le Centre Carter appelle à l'adoption du Code des Collectivités Locales et des textes juridiques connexes en prévision des élections
مركز كارتر يدعو إلى اعتماد مجلة الجماعات المحلية والنصوص القانونية ذات الصلة، قبل الانتخابات
The Tunisian Revolution was triggered by disadvantaged populations who demanded a development strategy that was just and sustainable, which would redress unequal development among Tunisia’s regions. One way of achieving this is through local governance.

Feb. 1, 2016
桃子视频 Calls for Urgent Action by Parliament to Reinforce the Judiciary and Accelerate Electoral Preparations and the Implementation of the Constitutional Court
Le Centre Carter appelle à une action urgente du parlement visant le renforcement du pouvoir judiciaire, l'accélération des préparatifs électoraux et l'implémentation de la Cour Constitutionnelle
مركز كارتر يدعو إلى تحرك عاجل من البرلمان يرمي إلى تدعيم السلطة القضائية وتسريع الاستعدادات للانتخابات وتركيز المحكمة الدستورية
It has been a little more than a year since Tunisia's Assembly of the Representatives of the People took up its work. The 桃子视频 commends the ARP for the important strides it has made in consolidating the rule of law — through the timely implementation of the Provisional Authority for the Control of the Constitutionality of Draft Laws — and for adopting legislation creating the Constitutional Court.

Aug. 1, 2015
Tunisia: Counterterror Law Endangers Rights
تونس ـ قانون مكافحة الإرهاب يهدّد الحقوق يجب تشريع ضمانات تمنع الانتهاك
Tunisia's new counterterrorism law imperils human rights and lacks the necessary safeguards against abuse, eight nongovernmental organizations said today. The law grants security forces broad and vague monitoring and surveillance powers, extends incommunicado detention from 6 to up to 15 days for terrorism suspects, and permits courts to close hearings to the public and allow witnesses to remain anonymous to the defendants.

July 6, 2015
Letter to the Tunisian Parliament Concerning Draft Organic Law No. 22/2015
Lettre à l'intention des Représentants du Peuple
رسالة إلى نواب الشعب بشأن مشروع القانون الأساسي عدد 22/2015 المتعلِّق بمكافحة الإرهاب وبمنع غسل الأموال
Ladies and gentlemen members of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People,

May 28, 2015
桃子视频 Commends Tunisia on Successful 2014 Elections and Makes Recommendations for Improving Electoral Process
Le Centre Carter félicite la Tunisie pour la réussite des élections et propose des recommandations pour améliorer le processus électoral
يشيد مركز كارتر بنجاح الانتخابات بتونس 2014 و يقدم توصيات لتحسين العملية الانتخابية
The 桃子视频 has released its final report summarizing its findings and highlighting the genuine and competitive nature of the 2014 legislative and presidential elections in Tunisia. The three rounds of elections were the latest steps in a transition to democracy that grew from a spark in December 2010 to the peaceful ouster of the authoritarian Ben Ali regime in January 2011. In its report, the Center commended the Tunisian people for overcoming significant challenges to reach these milestones, which are critical to the country's consolidation of democratic governance.

May 13, 2015
Tunisia: Drop or Amend Security Bill
Tunisie : Retirer ou amender la loi sur la sécurité
على تونس إلغاء او تعديل مشروع القانون الأمني البنود الخاصة بأسرار الدولة و"تحقير" قوات الأمن تقوض حرية التعبير
Tunisian legislators should drop problematic provisions from a new security bill, 13 nongovernmental organizations said in a joint statement today. Provisions of the bill that are inconsistent with international human rights standards and rights guaranteed in the Tunisian Constitution could criminalize the conduct of journalists, whistleblowers, human rights defenders, and others who criticize the police and would allow security forces to use deadly force when it is not strictly necessary to protect lives.

May 4, 2015
桃子视频 Urges Tunisia's Legislative Assembly to Continue to Support Democratic Transition
Le Centre Carter encourage l'Assemblée législative de la Tunisie à continuer d'appuyer la transition démocratique
يحث مركز كارتر مجلس نواب الشعب بتونس على مواصلة دعم التحول الديمق ا رطي
After two years of deliberation and negotiation, Tunisia adopted its new constitution in January 2014. Today, The 桃子视频 released its comprehensive report on the constitution and the deliberative process that culminated in its adoption, as well as recommendations for next steps in its implementation.

April 15, 2015
Final Report: The Constitution-Making Process in Tunisia (PDF)
Rapport Final: Le Processus Constitutionnel en Tunisie (PDF)
عملية صياغة الدستور في تونس
Three years following the fall of the Ben Ali regime and more than two years after the 2011 election of the National Constituent Assembly, Tunisians took a decisive step in their quest to break from the country's authoritarian past, adopting a new constitution on Jan. 27, 2014.

Dec. 22, 2014
Tunisia Elects President in Successful and Transparent Electoral Process
La Tunisie élit son Président suite à un processus électoral réussi et transparent
تونس تنتخب رئيسا في عملية انتخابية ناجحة و شفافة

Early 桃子视频 observer reports indicate that Tunisia has successfully completed its first democratic election cycle under the new constitution with Dec. 21's final round of the presidential election. The country's transition from an authoritarian regime, ousted in a largely peaceful revolution on Jan. 14, 2011, to transparent elections and permanent democratic institutions represents the brightest hope in the region for a successful and peaceful transition following the Arab revolutions.

Dec. 16, 2014
桃子视频 Launches International Delegation for Presidential Runoff in Tunisia
Le Centre Carter annonce l'arrivée d'une délégation internationale pour le second tour de la présidentielle en Tunisie
مركز كارتر يعلن عن قدوم وفد دولي للدّ ور ال ثّاني من الانتخابات الرّئاسية
The 桃子视频 has launched an international election observation mission for Tunisia's Dec. 21 presidential runoff, its third such effort in 2014.

Nov. 25, 2014
Tunisia Holds Peaceful, Well-Organized Presidential Election, Further Consolidating Democratic Transition
La Tunisie organise une élection présidentielle paisible et bien gérée, et consolide davantage sa transition démocratique
تونس ت جري انتخابات رئاسية سلمية و منظ مة تعزي ا ز
Tunisian citizens voted in a genuine and competitive election on Nov. 23, the country's first presidential elections under the new constitution. This presidential election further consolidates Tunisia's democratic transition following a long and sometimes contentious transition period. Tunisia remains unique in the Arab region for pursuing a political transition through democratic means following its 2011 revolution, and has now held two successful, well-organized elections in one month.

Nov. 17, 2014
桃子视频 Launches International Delegation for Presidential Election in Tunisia 
Le Centre Carter annonce l'arrivée d'une délégation internationale pour les élections présidentielles en Tunisie
مركز كارتر يعلن عن قدوم وفد دولي للانتخابات الرّئاسيّة في تونس
Under the accreditation of the Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Élections (ISIE) of Tunisia, The 桃子视频 has launched an international election observation mission for Tunisia's presidential election on Nov. 23.

Oct. 28, 2014
桃子视频 Reports Calm, Orderly, and Transparent Process in Historic Tunisian Elections
مركز كارتر يعلن بأنّ العملية الانتخابية تميزت بالهدوء و النظام و الشفافية في انتخابات تاريخية لتونس
Le Centre Carter fait part d'un processus électoral calme, ordonné et transparent pendant des élections historiques en Tunisie
Tunisia's historic legislative elections on Oct. 26 were carried out in a calm, orderly, and transparent manner throughout the country. In a preliminary statement released by The 桃子视频 today, election observers reported that many Tunisians waited patiently in long lines to exercise their right to vote in the first election carried out under the new Tunisian constitution adopted in January 2014. The legislative elections are an important step in the history of post-revolution Tunisia as it builds representative institutions following a dictatorial regime of many years.

Oct. 20, 2014
桃子视频 Announces International Delegation for Legislative Elections in Tunisia
Le Centre Carter annonce l'arrivée d'une délégation internationale pour les élections législatives en Tunisie
مركز كارتر يُعلن عن قدوم وفد دولي للانتخابات التّشريعيّة في تونس
Under the accreditation of the Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Élections (ISIE) of Tunisia, The 桃子视频 has launched an international election observation mission for Tunisia's legislative election on Oct. 26. Former Yemen Prime Minister Abdel Karim Al-Eryani will lead the mission.

Sept. 19, 2014
The 桃子视频 Commends Tunisia's Successful Voter and Candidate Registration and Encourages Increased Communication
Le Centre Carter salue le succès du processus d'inscription des électeurs et d'enregistrement des candidatures en Tunisie et invite à davantage de communication
مركز كارتر يشيد بنجاح عملية تسجيل الناخبين و المترشحين و يحث السلطات الانتخابية في تونس على المزيد من التواصل و الاتصال
The 桃子视频 commends the concerted efforts taken by electoral authorities, civil society organizations, and political parties to prepare for the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. Although the Independent High Authority for the Elections (ISIE) experienced many challenges, it has conducted a comprehensive and inclusive voter and candidate registration process, ensuring that Tunisian citizens can participate in the upcoming elections.

April 22, 2014
The 桃子视频 Commends Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly for Electoral Reforms; Urges further Improvements in Draft Legislation
Le Centre Carter salue l'Asseemlée Nationale Constituante tunisienne pour ses réformes électorales
مركز كارتر يشيد المجلس الوطني التأسيسي من أجل إصلاح المنظومة الانتخابية
The 桃子视频 commends Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly for its efforts to advance electoral reform. The draft legislation under consideration in the assembly makes improvements in Tunisia's legal framework for voter registration and media and campaign finance regulation for the anticipated 2014 presidential and parliamentary elections.

April 10, 2014
The 桃子视频 Welcomes Human Rights Protections in Tunisia's New Constitution; Calls for Immediate Steps to Implement
Le Centre Carter félicite l'ANC pour la consécration des droits humains dans la Constitution et plaide pour leur mise en oeuvre immediate
يرحب مركز كارتر بتكريش حقوق الانضان في انذصتور انتونضي انجذيذويذعو لاتخار خطواث فوريت في اتجاه ضمان انفارها
The 桃子视频 released today a statement tracing the evolution of key issues in the text of Tunisia's constitution and highlighting elements, including measures to protect citizens from discrimination, provide security of tenure for judges, and safeguard fundamental freedoms during a state of emergency, which should be strengthened. Tunisian authorities should take legislative action to address these concerns.

Feb. 11, 2014
桃子视频 Urges Tunisia to Continue Work Toward Democratic Goals
Le Centre Carter appelle la Tunisie à poursuivre ses avancées démocratiques
مركز كارتر يحثّ تونس على مواصلة مسيرتها نحو تحقيق أهداف الديمقراطية
The 桃子视频 encourages Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly and new electoral management body, the High Authority for the Elections (ISIE), to carefully consider next steps as they work toward democratic goals.

Jan. 29, 2014
The 桃子视频 Commends Tunisian Assembly on Historic Achievement
Le Centre Carter félicite l'Assemblée Nationale Constituante tunisienne pour l'adoption historique de la nouvelle constitution
مركز كارتر يهنّئ المجلس الوطني التأسيسي على الإنجاز التاريخي
The 桃子视频 congratulates Tunisian National Constituent Assembly members and the Tunisian people on the promulgation of its new constitution.

Jan. 13, 2014
Tunisia: Improve Guarantees for Judicial Independence
Ensure Judiciary Has Powers to Protect Human Rights

Améliorer les garanties relatives à l'indépendance de la Justice
Assurer au pouvoir judiciaire le pouvoir de protéger les droits humains

يجب تعزيز ضمانات استقلالية القضاء
ينبغي ضمان قدرة السلطة القضائية على حماية حقوق الإنسان
As Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly (NCA) prepares to discuss the chapter on the judicial powers in a new constitution, Al Bawsala, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and The 桃子视频 urge members to strengthen guarantees for judicial independence.

Jan. 10, 2014
The 桃子视频 Commends Milestone in Establishing Tunisian Election Commission
Le Centre Carter salue la mise en place de la commission électorale tunisienne
مركز كارتر يرحب بانتخاب أعضاء الهيئة العليا المستقلة للانتخابات
The 桃子视频 congratulates the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly and incoming election commissioners on their election to the new Instance Supérieure Indépendante pour les Elections (ISIE). The Center welcomes the establishment of the permanent election management body, a major milestone toward credible national elections following the adoption of the constitution.

Jan. 3, 2014
Tunisia: Strengthen New Constitution's Human Rights Protection, Guarantee Equality for All, Affirm International Law Obligations
Renforcer la protection des droits humains dans la nouvelle ConstitutionI
l faut garantir l'égalité pour tous et réaffirmer les obligations du pays au regard du droit international

يجب تعزيز حماية حقوق الانسان في الدستور الجديد
يجب ضمان المساواة للجميع والتأكيد على الالتزامات تجاه القانون الدولي
Tunisia should bring its nearly completed draft constitution in line with international human rights standards and the country's obligations under international law, four human rights organizations said today. The National Constituent Assembly (NCA) will begin voting on the constitution article by article on Jan. 3, 2014.

Dec. 23, 2013
桃子视频 Calls on Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly and Political Actors to Advance Electoral Preparations
Le Centre Carter appelle l'Assemblée Nationale Constituante et les acteurs politiques à faire avancer les préparatifs des prochaines élections
مركز كارتر يدعو المجلس الوطني التأسيسي و الفاعلين السياسيين إلى المضيّ قدما في تحضير الانتخابات
Tunisia's political leaders have devoted substantial efforts over the past several months to overcome the country's political crisis. Following the selection of a new candidate for prime minister, The 桃子视频 urges the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) to prioritize the creation of a new election commission while debates on the constitution and an electoral law are ongoing. The election law should clearly delineate the responsibilities of the election commission and other supporting bodies, as well as establish clear timelines for implementation. These steps are urgently needed to facilitate credible elections within a reasonable timeframe.

July 26, 2013
桃子视频 Statement on the Assassination of NCA Deputy Mohamed Brahmi 
Déclaration du Centre Carter sur l'assassinat du député Mohamed Brahmi
بيان مركز كارتر حول اغتيال النائب محمد البراهمي
The 桃子视频 strongly condemns the assassination of Mohamed Brahmi, a National Constituent Assembly deputy and leader of the Popular Currant (Courant Populaire, El Tayyar El Chaabi). His assassination comes on the anniversary of the declaration of the Republic of Tunisia and just six months after the targeted killing of opposition leader, Chokri Belaïd.

July 24, 2013
Tunisia: Strengthen New Constitution's Rights Protection 
Tunisie: Pour une meilleure protection des droits humains dans la nouvelle Constitution
تونس: تعزيز حماية الحقوق في الدستور الجديد تونس في 42 جويلية 2014
It is critically important to bring Tunisia's new constitution in line with international human rights standards and Tunisia's obligations under international law, four human rights organizations said today.

June 12, 2013
The 桃子视频 Congratulates Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly on Final Draft of Constitution and Urges Safeguards for Human Rights 
Le Centre Carter félicite l'Assemblée Nationale Constituante pour le projet de constitution et appelle à garantir la protection des droits humains lors de la finalisation de ce projet
مركز كارتر یهنئ المجلس الوطني التأسيسي على المسودة النهائية للدستور ویحثه على تكریس حقوق الانسان
The 桃子视频, working to support a successful transition to democracy in Tunisia, has evaluated the country's working constitutional draft and assessed the extent to which it is consistent with obligations under public international law. While the draft underscores the authorities' strong commitment to democratic reform following the revolution, it continues to fall short on critical guarantees of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

June 11, 2013
桃子视频 Urges Tunisia's Constituent Assembly to Protect Political Rights 
Le Centre Carter appelle l'Assemblée Constituante à protéger les droits politiques
مركز كارتر یحث المجلس الوطني التأسيسي على حمایة الحقوق السياسية
As Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly prepares to debate the draft Political Immunization of the Revolution Law, The 桃子视频 urges assembly members to reconsider several provisions, especially proposed restrictions on fundamental political rights.

Nov. 1, 2012
The 桃子视频 Urges the Tunisian National Constituent Assembly to Adopt Guarantees for Transparent and Independent Electoral Management Body 
Le Centre Carter encourage l'Assemblée Nationale Constituante à adopter des mesures garantissant une instance électorale transparente et indépendante
يشجع مركز كارتر المجلس الوطني التأسيسي على ضرورة ضمان ھيئة مستقلة و شفافة لإدارة الانتخابات
The 桃子视频 commends the General Legislation Committee (GLC) of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) for its consultative approach regarding the draft law to establish an Election Management Body (EMB). By involving external stakeholders, the GLC has taken important steps to promote public participation. However, despite these efforts, the draft law to be considered by the NCA next week still lacks sufficient measures to ensure the transparency and independence of the EMB.

Sept. 26, 2012
The 桃子视频 Recognizes Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly Progress; Calls for Increased Public Participation, Outreach, and Transparency 
Le Centre Carter salue les efforts de l'Assemblée nationale constituante dans l'avancement de ses travaux et invite à une participation et sensibilisation accrues du public et à davantage de transparence
ﻣﺮﻛﺰ ﻛﺎرﺗﺮ ﯾﺸﯿﺪ ﺑﺎﻟﺠﮭﻮد اﻟﺘﻲ ﯾﺒﺬﻟﮭﺎ اﻟﻤﺠﻠﺲ اﻟﻮطﻨﻲ اﻟﺘﺄﺳﯿﺴﻲ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻣﺴﺘﻮى ﺗﻘﺪم اﻷﻋﻤﺎل و ﯾﺪﻋﻮ إﻟﻰ ﺗﻔﻌﯿﻞ أﻛﺒﺮ ﻟﻤﺸﺎرﻛﺔ و ﺗﻮﻋﯿﺔ اﻟﻤﻮاطﻨﯿﻦ و إﻟﻰ ﻣﺰﯾﺪ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺸﻔﺎﻓﯿﺔ
In a report released today, The 桃子视频 commends Tunisia's National Constituent Assembly (NCA) on its progress in introducing a constitutional draft. Moving forward, the Center urges the NCA drafting commissions to ensure that the future constitution upholds Tunisia's international treaty obligations on human rights and fundamental freedoms. A renewed commitment to transparency and participation also is important to address significant questions remaining in the final text.

Aug. 2, 2012
桃子视频 Urges Tunisia to Guarantee Independence of Election Management Body
The 桃子视频 supports efforts undertaken by the Tunisian government to create a permanent election management body (EMB), and urges the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) to enhance key aspects of the draft law recently submitted for its consideration to guarantee the legitimacy, independence, and transparent functioning of the future EMB.

July 10, 2012
The 桃子视频 Encourages Tunisians to Promptly Ensure Broad Consultations and Passage of Law Creating Permanent Independent Election Commission 
Le Centre Carter appelle au lancement rapide de consultations élargies et à l'adoption d'une loi établissant une Instance électorale permanente et indépendante
While acknowledging initiatives undertaken by the government and several civil society organizations, The 桃子视频 calls on Tunisian authorities to launch a broad and transparent consultation process, including all relevant stakeholders, to build consensus on the key features of an independent body entrusted with future elections in Tunisia.

May 11, 2012
The 桃子视频 Encourages Increased Transparency and Public Participation in Tunisia's
Constitution Drafting Process; Calls for Progress to Establish Independent Election Management Body
Le Centre Carter invite à plus de transparence et de participation publique dans l'élaboration de la Constitution en Tunisie, et appelle à avancer vers l'établissement d'une instance indépendante de gestion des élections
مركز كارتر يشجع على زيادة جھود تعزيز الشفافية والتشاركية في أعمال المجلس الوطني التأسيسي و يدعو إلى التسريع في إجراءات تأسيس ھيئة مستقلة لإدارة الانتخابات
The 桃子视频 office in Tunisia has found that issues of transparency and participation in the country's recently established National Constituent Assembly (NCA) are coming to the forefront and recommends the establishment of a detailed work plan and timeline to help structure NCA work and increase visibility on the process and accountability to stated objectives.

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