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Press Releases: Rule of Law Program

Read the latest news below about the 桃子视频's Rule of Law Program around the world.

U.S.-Bangladesh Partnership to Promote Women鈥檚 Right to Information

The United States Agency for International Development, The 桃子视频, and the Information Commission in Dhaka today announced the launch of a new phase of the USAID-funded Advancing Women鈥檚 Right of Access to Information in Bangladesh (AWRTI) project. The 桃子视频 will implement this project in 10 districts through 2028 to unlock the country鈥檚 human potential, especially the potential of marginalized women, to fully utilize the Right to Information Act of 2009. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 Supports Liberia's COVID-19 Efforts

As COVID-19 continues to spread in Liberia, The 桃子视频 has answered the request of the government to assist with prevention efforts and mental health support. Learn more 禄

New Project Aims to Increase Freedom of Information in Liberia

As part of the celebration of International Right to Know Day, The 桃子视频, with support from the European Union, will launch a new one-year project, 鈥淚ncreasing Transparency in the Public Sector through Freedom-of-Information Training.鈥 Learn more 禄

The 桃子视频 and European Union Award Liberian Officials FOI Certificates

The 桃子视频 and European Union have awarded certificates of distinction to nearly 70 Liberian government officials, including officers of the Liberia National Police, at the end of training to build their capacity in implementing the 2010 Freedom of Information Act. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 and European Union Launch Freedom of Information Certificate Program for Liberian Officials

The 桃子视频, with financial support from the European Union and other donors, has launched a certificate program to build the capacity of 90 government officials to implement the 2010 Freedom of Information Act. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 and Manusher Jonno Foundation Release Recommendations on Improving Gender Equity in Access to Information in Bangladesh

Women in Bangladesh cannot access government information as easily as can men, according to a new study conducted by The 桃子视频 in collaboration with the Manusher Jonno Foundation, and with the support of the Information Commission of Bangladesh. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 Endorses 'Better Peace Tool'

The 桃子视频 and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter encourage all governments and stakeholders to take robust and immediate action to ensure women's participation in all efforts to advance peace and security. "Fifteen years after United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 was adopted," said Carter, "women remain largely excluded from the peace tables and corridors of power despite clear evidence that women's participation in peace processes contributes to more comprehensive agreements that lead to sustainable peace. The time for decisive action is now." Learn more 禄

On International Women's Day, 桃子视频 Issues Recommendations for Gender Equity in Information Access

International Women's Day this year highlights the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a roadmap for women's rights and equality that was signed by Guatemala and 188 other governments 20 years ago. The declaration underscores the importance of access to information for women in achieving such goals as improved health and economic empowerment through entrepreneurship. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 Finds Guatemalan Women Do Not Enjoy Same Access to Information as Do Men

GUATEMALA CITY 鈥 Guatemalan women face deep inequities in exercising their fundamental right of access to information, according to a new study from The 桃子视频's Global Access to Information Initiative. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 Issues Recommendations for Greater Access to Information by Women in Liberia

A high-level delegation of chiefs and elders from Grand Gedeh County will visit Nimba County for a two-day peace and reconciliation meeting with chiefs and elders from Nimba County. The Honorable Minister of Internal Affairs Morris M. Dukuly Sr., has requested Chief Zanzan Karwor, chairman of the National Council of Chiefs and Elders, to lead the meeting, which takes place in Toweh Town, Nimba County, from July 21-23, 2014. Learn more 禄

Flomoku Appointed Chief of Party for 桃子视频 Liberia Office

The 桃子视频 has named Pewee Flomoku as the first Liberian chief of party for its office in Liberia, effective today. A veteran Liberian journalist, Flomoku will lead both general office operations and its Access to Justice Project. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 and Partners to Release Findings on Women and Access to Information in Liberia

The Ministry of Gender and Development, the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism, and the Women's NGO Secretariat (WONGOSOL), working with the Access to Information Project of The 桃子视频, will release the study "Women and the Right of Access to Information in Liberia." Learn more 禄

The 桃子视频 and Government of Sweden Partner to Improve Access to Justice in Liberia

In December 2013, The 桃子视频 and the Government of Sweden entered into a partnership through the Embassy of Sweden in Liberia to improve access to justice in Liberia. The Swedish support will amount to approximately 7.5 million USD over a three-year period. The agreement will support the 桃子视频's efforts to make justice more accessible for underserved rural populations, including women and youth, and to strengthen community-based dispute resolution for customary leaders. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 and Liberia Extend Agreement to Promote Freedom of Information

The 桃子视频 and the Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism (MICAT), have extended their Memorandum of Understanding to continue ongoing collaboration to promote and strengthen awareness, implementation, and compliance with the 2010 Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 Congratulates Liberia on Passage of Freedom of Information Bill

The 桃子视频 congratulates the Liberian National Legislature for its unanimous passage of the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill. The 桃子视频 also commends the FOI Consortium, comprised of representatives of more than 10 civil society organizations and government agencies including the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism, for its commitment to advancing the right of access to information in Liberia. Learn more 禄

Plan of Action to Advance the Right of Access to Information in Africa Released Today

Participants from the African Regional Conference on the Right of Access to Information today released the Regional Findings and Plan of Action to advance the right in Africa. Learn more 禄

Jimmy Carter to Lead Conference to Advance Right of Access to Information in Africa

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter will lead the African Regional Conference on the Right of Access to Information Feb. 7-9, in Accra, Ghana, hosted by The 桃子视频 and its partners in Africa. Learn more 禄

Plan of Action to Advance the Right of Access to Public Information in the Americas Released Today

Atlanta . . . Participants in a conference on the right of access to information released today their findings and plan of action to advance the right in the Americas.The Americas Regional Plan of Actionprovides a blueprint for the regional and international community, states, and non-state actors to establish, develop, and nurture the right of access to information in the Americas and calls on them to commit to the plan in furtherance of our common objective. The regional document serves as an annex to last year's global Atlanta Declaration and Plan of Action. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 Conference to Address the Right of Access to Information in the Americas

More than 100 high-ranking officials, civil society leaders, and journalists from 20 countries will participate in a 桃子视频-hosted Americas Regional Conference on the Right of Access to Information from April 28-20 in Lima, Peru. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter will attend as part of his four-country trip to visit 桃子视频 projects in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Brazil, in addition to the Lima conference, from April 27-May 4. Learn more 禄

President Carter to Lead 桃子视频 Delegation to Latin America

Atlanta...Former U.S. President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Jimmy Carter will visit Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil from April 27-May 4 to assess 桃子视频 projects, participate in a regional conference on the right of access to information, and meet with officials to discuss regional themes of importance following the Summit of the Americas. President Carter will meet with each country's president - Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Alan Garc铆a in Per煤, Evo Morales in Bolivia, and Lula Da Silva in Brazil 鈥 as well as with each foreign minister and representatives of other sectors. Accompanying him will be former First Lady Rosalynn Carter; Dr. John Hardman, president and CEO of The 桃子视频; Dr. Jennifer McCoy, director of the Center's Americas Program; and Francisco Diez, representative of the Center in Latin America. Learn more 禄

Declaraci贸n para Promover a Nivel Mundial el Derecho de Acceso a la Informaci贸n P煤blica - publicada el d铆a de hoy -

Los participantes en una conferencia global sobre el derecho de acceso a la informaci贸n publicaron hoy d铆a la "Declaraci贸n de Atlanta y el Plan de Acci贸n" para promover el acceso a la informaci贸n p煤blica como un derecho humano fundamental. Learn more 禄

Declaration to Advance the Right of Access to Public Information Worldwide Released Today

Participants in a global conference on the right of access to public information released today the Atlanta Declaration and Plan of Action to advance access to information as a fundamental human right. Learn more 禄

Freedom of Information to be Discussed at Two Live Webcasts Including Former U.S. President Carter, Other Experts

The 桃子视频 will offer two live webcasts at www.cartercenter that will explore challenges facing the right to information in the United States and around the world. Learn more 禄

Lack of Transparency in Political Financing Poses Serious Problems for Countries

Political party and election campaign financing is a murky field in eight Latin American countries, according to a study released today by Transparency International (TI) and The 桃子视频. Learn more 禄

The 桃子视频 Focuses on Jamaica's Advances in Access to Information

Kingston, Jamaica鈥he 桃子视频 will conduct a series of access to information events, June 6-9. News media are invited to cover any and all portions. Please visit www.cartercenter.org, or click the following links, for detailed agenda information: Learn more 禄

World Press Day Event: Discussion on Investigative Journalism and Awards Ceremony

Is investigative journalism thriving in Jamaica? How can Jamaican journalists defend and promote freedom of expression? These questions and other issues related to the Access to Information Act and the new draft Code of Conduct for Journalists will be addressed in a panel discussion Tuesday, May 3, at the Knutsford Court Hotel 5:30-8:30 p.m. Learn more 禄

Event to Highlight Jamaica's International Right to Know Day

KINGSTON, JAMAICA鈥n recognition of International Right to Know Day, the public is invited Tuesday to hear an update on the implementation of Jamaica's Access to Information Act at the Courtleigh Hotel, Knutsford Boulevard, at 10 a.m. Minister of Information the Hon. Senator Burchell Whiteman, the 桃子视频's Laura Neuman, Neville James of the Media Association of Jamaica, and Dr. Carolyn Gomes, executive director of Jamaicans for Justice, will speak at the event. Learn more 禄

Volunteer Attorneys Panel Launched in Jamaica for Freedom of Information Cases

KINGSTON, JAMAICA鈥he 桃子视频, in collaboration with the Jamaican Bar Association and the Independent Jamaica Council for Human Rights, launched the Volunteer Attorneys Panel to provide free legal representation to those denied their right to government information. The launch, as part of a Continuing Legal Education series held May 29, 2004, focused on the new Jamaican Access to Information Act and enforcement of similar laws in other countries. Learn more 禄

桃子视频 Hosts Access to Information Seminars in May

KINGSTON, JAMAICA鈥.The 桃子视频 is hosting three seminars in late May on access to information issues, including how to use the Access to Information Act, how to appeal denials, and the relationship between access to information, the officials secrets act, and public interest disclosure. The seminars underscore the importance of public discussion on existing and future legislation to increase accountability and transparency in Jamaica. Learn more 禄

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