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Op-eds/Speeches Archive: 1985-1990

Dec. 17, 1990
First Steps Toward Peace

Dec. 10, 1990
The 1990 State of Human Rights Address
Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in New York, New York

Dec. 6, 1990
The Role of the United States in a Changing World
Harvey Cushing oration given by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, included in the Journal of Neurosurgery no. 6, vol. 73

Dec. 1, 1990
A Tundra Industrial Complex? No!
Los Angeles Times

Oct. 22, 1990
The Need to Negotiate
TIME Magazine

Oct. 1, 1990
Haiti's Election Needs Help
The New York Times

April 24, 1990
The Modern Horror of an Ancient Scourge
The Washington Post

Aug. 1, 1989
The 1989 State of Human Rights Address
Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter at the Carter-Menil Human Rights Award 

June 7, 1989
Universities Can Be of Greatest Benefit by Concentrating on the Third World
The Chronicle of Higher Education

March 5, 1989
Rushdie's Book Is An Insult
The New York Times

August 1, 1988
The 1988 State of Human Rights Address
Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter at the Carter-Menil Human Rights Award 

April 17, 1988
Let's Use a Little Diplomacy in Panama
The Washington Post

Feb. 14, 1988
The U.S. Need to Lead in Israel
The New York Times

Dec. 10, 1987
The 1987 State of Human Rights Address 
Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in Atlanta, GA

June 1, 1987
Middle East Peace: New Opportunities
The Washington Quarterly, Summer 1987

April 20, 1987
Middle East: Time for Negotiations
Time magazine

Oct. 11, 1985
New York Law School Human Rights Annual
Jimmy Carter speech, Biaggi Lecture, New York Law School.
Thank you very much Dean Simon, Congressman Biaggi, faculty, students, members of the board of directors and other friends of The New York Law School.


1985-1990 | 1991-1995 | 1996-2000 | 2001-2005 | 2006-2009 | 2010-Present

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