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Op-eds/Speeches Archive: 1991-1995

Dec. 12, 1995
Can Peace Still Come to Israel?
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Nov. 20, 1995
Regaining our Trust in Justice
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Oct. 30, 1995
It's Time to Forgive Pete Rose
USA Today

Oct. 18, 1995
TAP: The Power of a Project
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Oct. 8, 1995
A Role for the United Nations in the Next 50 Years
The New York Times Syndicate

Sept. 20, 1995
Hope is Not Lost
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Aug. 20, 1995
Q&A: Habitat, Mental Health, NGOs, World Conflicts
The New York Times Syndicate

July 30, 1995
Tobacco's Big Lie
The New York Times Syndicate

July 23, 1995
Q&A: Middle East Peace, Africa, Muliculturalism, and Fishing
The New York Times Syndicate

July 2, 1995
From Politics to Poetics
The Writing Life - Washington Post Book World

June 21, 1995
Don't Prolong the Bloodshed in Bosnia
Originally published in USA Today and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

June 18, 1995
Food, Health Programs Lead to Peace in Sudan
The New York Times Syndicate

June 14, 1995
Testimony by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter's on Balkan Conflict
Senate Armed Services Committee

May 21, 1995
Peace is Everyone's Job
The New York Times Syndicate

May 21, 1995
Save the Alaskan Wilderness
The New York Times Syndicate

March 8, 1995
Keeping Faith With the World's Women
Atlanta Journal–Constitution

March 6, 1995
Remarks by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter at the 1st Annual Harry Middleton Lecture 
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library 

June 10, 1994
Time to Lay Down the Trade Weapon
The Los Angeles Times

May 18, 1994
Remarks from Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter at the Carter Carter-Menil Human Rights Foundation Award to the Institute of Applied Social Science (FAFO) and the People of Norway
I would like to express my gratitude to Mrs. Dominique de Menil and our Norwegian hosts for everything they have done to make this celebration possible.

April 1, 1994
Making Global Development Aid Effective
Brown Journal of World Affairs, Spring 1994

March 8, 1994
Two `Musts' For Health Reform
USA Today

Feb. 18, 1994
Bring Back the 'Wise Men' to Help Ease All the U.S.-Japanese Trade Friction
The New York Times and The Houston Chronicle (Feb. 20, 1994)

Feb. 15, 1994
A Hefty Tobacco Tax Can Help Our Farmers
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Feb. 8, 1994
A Healthy Cigarette Tax May Help Tobacco Farmers
The Washington Post

Dec. 22, 1993
Fragmented Aid Leaves Africa Hungry

Nov. 14, 1993
A Chance to Reclaim Lives
The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

Sept. 21, 1993
This One Can't Wait
The Washington Post

Sept. 21, 1993
Get Tough on Rights
The New York Times

Sept. 20, 1993
U.S. Needs to Support Global Tropical Timber Agreement
Christian Science Monitor

Aug. 9, 1993
Don't Slight Mental Health Benefits
The Washington Post

July 28, 1993
Elders is Ideal Choice for Surgeon General
USA Today

June 13, 1993
Moving Forward
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Feb. 21, 1993
To Save Lives, Raise Funds and Cut the Deficit: Tax Tobacco
The New York Times

Dec. 31, 1992
Investing in Children Will Ensure the Marines Won't Need to Return
Los Angeles Times

Dec. 29, 1992
Sustained Aid Can Prevent Somalias
The Wall Street Journal

Dec. 10, 1992
USA Can't Point Finger at Others on Human Rights
USA Today

Dec. 10, 1992
The 1992 State of Human Rights Address
Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in Washington, D.C.

Dec. 1, 1992
Ensuring Alliance in an Unsure World: The Strengthening of U.S.-Japan Partnership in the 1990s
Washington Quarterly, Winter 1992

Nov. 17, 1992
How We Make Mental Illness Worse
USA Today

June 29, 1992
U.S. Finally Ratifies Human Rights Covenant
Christian Science Monitor

June 22, 1992
Salmon Swimming Against Logging Tide
USA Today

June 18, 1992
Let 'Motor Voter' Pick Up Lost Souls
The Los Angeles Times

March 23, 1992
Address to the Notre Dame Community 
Acceptance Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter at the Inagural Notre Dame Award Ceremony

Jan. 23, 1992
Put Children First
The Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Ma.)

Jan. 14, 1992
Human Rights: The Real Cost of War
Speech given by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter at the International Negotiation Network Meeting 

Dec. 11, 1991
Freedom's Ravages
Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Dec. 8, 1991
Message from Houston for Freedom and Peace
Houston Chronicle

Dec. 7-8, 1991
The 1991 State of Human Rights Address 
Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in Houston, Texas 

Oct. 11, 1991
Saving America's Children: Give Boost to Immunization
The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

Oct. 4, 1991
Children Wait on World's Promises
The Christian Science Monitor

July 9, 1991
World Needs New Thinking
Los Angeles Times

June 1, 1991
The United States and the Advancement of Human Rights
Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in the Emory Law Journal, no.3 vol. 40 

April 30, 1991
Renew China's Trade Status
The New York Times

Feb. 25, 1991
Don't Reject a Cease-Fire
Time magazine

Jan. 2, 1991
Needed: Middle East Peace Talks
The New York Times


1987-1990 | 1991-1995 | 1996-2000 | 2001-2005 | 2006-2009 | 2010-Present

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