Dec. 29, 2000
Make This Natural Treasure a National Monument
The New York Times
Dec. 6, 2000
We Need Biotech to Feed the World
The Wall Street Journal
Nov. 26, 2000
For Israel, Land or Peace
The Washington Post
Nov. 16, 2000
A Former President's Plea To Curb AIDS in Africa
The International Herald Tribune
Sept. 17, 2000
No National Missile Defense, A Counter Productive National Missile Defense
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Sept. 7, 2000
Advance the Cause Of Human Rights
The New York Times
Aug. 6, 2000
A Jerusalem Settlement Everyone Can Live With
The New York Times
Feb. 23, 2000
A Nuclear Crisis
The Washington Post
July 21, 1999
Don't Take Democracy for Granted
The Wall Street Journal
May 28, 1999
Let's Keep Chinese Spying in Perspective.
USA Today
May 27, 1999
Have We Forgotten the Path to Peace?
The New York Times
March 29, 1999
We Need to Confront Fears 桃子视频 Life's End
USA Today
Dec. 22, 1998
A Time to Heal Our Nation
The New York Times.
Oct. 25, 1998
2nd Annual Sadat Lecture for Peace
Speech by Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in College Park, Maryland
Oct. 6, 1998
Apply Human Rights to the Mentally Ill
LA Times Syndicate
Aug. 26, 1998
Who's Afraid of Genetic Engineering?
The New York Times
Aug. 2, 1998
Advances in Biotechnology Will Save Lives
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri)
June 30, 1998
Kid Soldiers a War's Most Tragic Victims
USA Today
May 18, 1998
The Things You Cannot See
University of Pennsylvania Commencement Speech by Jimmy Carter
March 16, 1998
Sadly, People Die As Human Rights Ignored
USA Today
February 19, 1998
Corporate Giving Is Part of the Solutions Equation
The Los Angeles Times
Aug. 10, 1997
It's Wrong to Demonize China
The New York Times
July 16, 1997
Fraud-Free Elections in Liberia in Reach
July 11, 1997
Forestalling Famine With Biotechnology
The Washington Times
July 2, 1997
All of Us Must Face Hard Facts of Death
The Atlanta Constitution. The Washington Post.
June 30, 1997
A Quality End of Life
The Washington Post
June 23, 1997
U.S. Must Take Lead to Ban Land Mines
The Christian Science Monitor
June 9, 1997
The Search for Peace: Healing wounds, two at a time
The Atlanta Constitution - Viewpoints
May 20, 1997
U.S. Can Help Democracy Thrive in Zaire
USA Today
May 1, 1997
Women Leaders Put Mental Health on World Agenda
Published by multiple media outlets during Mental Health Month
March 30, 1997
Village Elections A Sign of Progress
Atlanta Journal and Constitution
March 19, 1997
New farm techniques spur Ethiopia rebirth
USA Today
March 3, 1997
Realigning Religious Health Missions
Atlanta Journal Constitution March 8, 1997 and The Fort Worth Star-Telegraph March 3, 1997.
Feb. 23, 1997
A Nuclear Crisis
The Washington Post
Dec. 24, 1996
Prayer and the Civic Religion
The New York Times
Dec. 15, 1996
U.S. Should Support World Criminal Court
The Los Angeles Times
Oct. 21, 1996
Offering A Healing Hand; Religious groups can bolster the health of their surrounding communities
Time Magazine
Oct. 13, 1996
Nicaragua's Next Step Toward Democracy
Washington Post, October 13, 1996; Miami Herald, October 17, 1996; Memphis Commercial Appeal, October 17, 1996
June 14, 1996
Parity for Mental Illnesses
The Washington Post
Feb. 27, 1996
Judge Not: Leaders of the Christian Right Have Injected Into America's Political Debate Some Divisive Religious Questions
Atlanta Journal and Constitution
Jan. 25, 1996
A First Lady Finds Her Own Way
Atlanta Journal and Constitution
1987-1990 | 1991-1995 | 1996-2000 | 2001-2005 | 2006-2009 | 2010-Present
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